Monday, March 10, 2014

Radha-Kunda & Govardhana Parikrama

We have some friends who live in the village of Radha-Kunda.  They went to the Mayapur Academy with Bala Nitai.  They are amazing devotees who showed us around this holy place.
We didn't have time to do parikrama of Govardhana on foot (14 miles & 5 hrs.) and that would have probably been difficult to negotiate Nitai on that we did it by auto rickshaw (same distance, 1/2 hr.) which felt kinda weird, but better to do than not!
First, we circumambulated Radha and Shyama Kundas, then went back to their home for lunch, then onto Govardhana parikrama.

outside our friend's home--Nitai playing with the neighborhood kids
neighbor lady drilling Tulasi beads by hand...for hours!
the neighborhood clay pot man
no electricity used!  he spins the wheel around with that stick, then makes pots and cups as it spins

The Home of Bhaktivinode Thakur
 Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati also stayed here.  This is the place where Srila Prabhupada received the instruction, "If you ever get money, print books".

pushpa samadhis 
his bedroom
the first western toilet in Vraj
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati's cane (our friend Krishna Keshava prabhu)

Nitai petting a water buffalo calf on the way

Lalita Kunda

Rupa Goswami's bhajana kutir

Shyama Kunda

go ghata @ Shyama kunda--a smooth drive way for cows to access the kunda ("go" means "cow")

 Govinda Kunda
where Lord Indra and the other devas did abhishek of Lord Krsna after the lifting of Govardhana Hill

Nitai splashing water on his head

Govardhana ki jaya!!!!

our friend, Krsna Keshava prabhu, had Nitai chant 5 maha mantras here, at the base of Sri nice!

beautiful art at the sitting place of Janavi Mata, the wife of Lord Nityananda
Nitai chanting 10 maha mantras @ Radha Kunda

 Tongue of Govardhana
circumambulate 7 times and it is equal to that of a full Govardhana parikrama

Our friend's Deities--Sri Sri Radha Govindaji

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