Saturday, March 8, 2014

our last parikrama in Mayapur...for now...

We were fortunate enough to visit some well-known holy sites before we left--places we had never been to before.  We kept hearing that we should visit Nrismha pali, the place where Lord Nrsimhadeva washed His hands after killing the demon Hiranyakashipu.  When you book a car to go to this place, you also get to visit these other amazing sites:

um...unfortunately, we don't remember the story behind this place right now...I was just planning on looking up in our Gauradesa book, but we sent it home already--sorry!

Tulasi plants in one of the side courtyards
The devotee who was taking us on parikrama said that this pillar was found here and is from Satya yuga.  It's been scientifically date tested.

This is the field where Lord Caitanya planted a mango seed after a super long and ecstatic kirtan with His intimate associates.  The seed quickly grew into a tree with fresh, giant, skinless, seedless mangos in which the hungry devotees deeply relished. 

i don't remember what nitai was doing, but he was given this garland @ the last temple we were at...

Hari-Hara Ksetra

This is Hari-Hara -- half Lord Vishnu (black) & half Lord Siva (white).  

footprint of Lord Vishnu
Jagannatha hiding in the corner 
out side of the temple
top of temple has a chakra on one point and a trident on the other


the self-manifesting Deity of Lord Nrsimhadeva
place where Lord Nrsimhadeva washed His hands after He killed the demon Hiryanyakashipu

temple of Lord Nrsimhadeva

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice to see all the parikrama places and be reminded of our visit.