Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mayapur Incense Factory

Devotees in Mayapur produce lovely smelling, natural incense made locally, right next to where we staying.  We went for a short tour right before we left.  Here are some pictures (by the way, we got a whole bunch of incense for Nitai-Sacinandana).

supplies: some sort of herbal powder (forget what kind) mixed with whatever natural oil or powdered resin the incense will be scented with, bamboo sticks and powdered charcoal
*mix powders and charcoal together with a little water to make a sticky goop
raw chunks of frankincense before it's powdered by mortar and pestle
little sticks of bamboo   
the "factory" @ work--placing the goop on the sticks and rolling them out (these ladies are super fast and it's not as easy as they make it look!)

ta da!