Monday, March 10, 2014

a partial Vrindavan parikrama


The first morning we were in Vrindavan, we attempted a Vrindavan parikrama (walking around Vrindavan, about 7 miles), but we only made it about 1/3 of the way...but still had a good time.

peacocks and peahens calling out from the treetops outside the goshala

Kaliya Ghat
where Krsna fought and subdued the Kaliya serpent

Mahabhagavata came with us.  She took us around to many places during our stay.  This is the actual branch where Krsna tightened His belt, flapped His arms like a wrestler and jumped into the Yamuna.

sweet calfs on the parikrama path--Yamuna in the background
this is so typical in Vrindavan--respect for all living entities--build your house around the tree if the tree was there first...

Sringar Vat
a pastime place of Radha & Krsna

this tree is the sitting place of Lord Nityananda, in the temple courtyard

Who, me?  This monkey snuck right up and swiped Nitai's banana right out of his hand...boy, was he mad
Here she is chowing was so funny!
How convenient, you can park your cow and your motor bike @ the same place! 

A local brajbasi lady applying tilak for Maha.

Kesi Ghat
where Krsna fought and defeated the Kesi demon

moored boats on the Yamuna River

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