Monday, March 10, 2014

Goswami Temples

This was 2 other lovely temple outings squeezed into a trip to the bazaars...

the Deity who manifested into this form from a sila (stone) due to the intense yearning of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami to offer Him items like a flute and clothes.

the road leading to the temple

Sri Radha-Raman ki jaya!

there was a chudacarana (first hair cutting) ceremony happening when we visited
He's situated waaaaay back there, glad we have a good zoom on our camera!

most of the temples in India have Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, situated above the entrance
this is located right next to the temple
the actual spot where Radha-Raman manifested His current form

the samadhi of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami
again, building around the trees instead of cutting them down...
circumambulating the samadhi

Sri Sri Radha-Gokulananda

monkeys chillen in the sun on the way to the temple
road right outside the temple entrance
temple entrance
Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda--Ananga Manjari (Radharani's little sister) is on Krsna's left and Radharani is on His right (special mercy from Radha for Her sister)

temple room

Srila Lokanatha Goswami's samadhi

samadhi of Srila Visvanatha Chakravati Thakur
samadhi of Narottama Dasa Thakur

@ one of the bazaars...Nitai was tired of walking (& he's getting heavy!)

This is Nitai's little altar he set up while in Vrindavan.  He was gifted a Nrsimhadeva deity and later on, purchased a Kurmadeva deity with $2 that a lady in Mayapur gave him.  The pictures are ones he's collected on this journey.

Sri Sri Radha-Govindaji
the place of worship of Srila Rupa Goswami

a camel outside the temple

This temple used to be around 4 stories higher.  It's magnificence angered an envious ruler who had his soldiers dismantle the top floors and desecrate the temple.  The Deities were moved and hidden before this happened.
We were given a special darshan--down the skinny steps to the teeny, quiet bhajan kutir of  Srila Rupa Goswami.  Then we were quickly ushered out the side door so no one else would see us.  You have to walk up on the altar to get here.  They don't allow pictures at all inside...

Nitai was freaked out of the monkeys (some chased us the other day) and was not into the idea of hanging around--there are A LOT of monkeys @ can see them right next to us.
The architecture is so beautiful, I wanted to share some shots with all of you...

This is the yogapitha--the place where Govindaji was found by Srila Rupa Goswami.   

and again, to the bazaars after can see how over it Bala Nitai is at this point!  

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