Monday, March 3, 2014

HH TKG mother's ashes

About 2 months ago, we met a wonderful, sweet devotee who is a disciple of HH Tamal Krsna Goswami.  His name is Sarvabhauma prabhu and his guru instructed him to write the amazing biography of the vaisnavi saint, HG Kirtida mataji.

He was chosen by Maharaja's mother to bring her ashes to India--for in her will, she wished to be placed in Mother Ganga.  Sarva prabhu invited us to the ceremony and the huge feast afterwards (you needed a ticket to get in).  He also arranged for Bala Nitai to assist Jahnanivasa prabhu with the ceremony.

It was really sweet to witness this life event...

@ Mother Ganga, getting everything situated
placing her ashes in a bamboo leaf plate

covering them with items like flower petals and honey (Sarva prabhu in orange chaddar)

sealing with Ganga mud
all packaged and ready to go into the river
preparing an offering for Mother Ganga

Sarva prabhu getting ready to place the ashes in the river

concluding oblations

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