Monday, March 10, 2014

ahhh Vrindavan...

This is our last day in India, we're in Mumbai @ Radha-Gopinatha.  Now we need to catch you all up on our time in Vrindavan...sorry, but you're going to get a bunch of posts in one shot...

We stayed in a guest house behind the MVT.  There is a park @ the MVT, complete with chokidars (guards) to keep the monkeys at bay and a cow named Shyama who behaves somewhat like a Western dog...

one mode of travel in Vrindavan--an auto rickshaw (what we took to get to Radha-Kunda)
Vrindavan monkeys which are as plentiful as pigeons in New York...and as naughty as well, as naughty as you'd expect monkeys to be I suppose...

plundering the store houses in the park when the chokidars were @ lunch

the MVT cow--Nitai liked taking her for walks

as soon as you walked into the park, she'd come up to you and lick you all over and practically try to sit in your lap...
another form of travel in Vrindavan--a pedal rickshaw (in Loi Bazaar)

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