Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Last day in India...

We had a quick stop over @ ISKCON Chowpatty--Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha Mandir...the first place we stopped when we arrived here 5 months prior...full circle...here's pictures from our last darshan...

Sri Lalita
Sri Visaka

Hare Krsna everyone!  Thank you for all your love and support--you are all beautiful and we are grateful to have you in our lives.
your servants with love,
Bala Nitai das, Gaurangi Rasa devi dasi & Nitai Charan.

Our last day in Vrindavan Dham...

Her Grace Yamuna Devi's samadhi is right next to the goshala, a short walk from where we were staying.  It's so beautiful and peaceful there...  

The artwork is so beautiful & intricate, just how Yamuna would have liked...it's modeled after Vishvanathath Chakravati's Samadhi--her favorite samadhi.  There is a picture in one of the previous posts, in the courtyard along with Lokanatha Goswami & Narottama das Thakur.
Currently, there are 5 samhadhis here.  The white one in the front is for the first Russian devotee.  HH Purnacandra Swami and 2 other devotees are here as well.

Last personal darshan of Their sweet Lordships @ Krsna Balarama mandir.
The Deities have smudges of paint on Their faces for holi.

jaya jaya Radhe~jaya jaya Shyama~jaya jaya Sri Vrindavan Dham...

His Grace Aindra Prabhu's room

Hare Krishna! dandavats! Here is the hallway up to the brahmacari asrama that Aindra prabhu designed, created and oversaw after the first year of beginning the art work. The work took 2 years, it is really amazing. All cowdung and quite detailed. We all wanted to go up to see Aindra prabhus room, but Gaurangi Rasa couldn't go, because it is the brahmacari asrama, no women allowed...Nitai didn't go either, so I went up and had a very wonderful darsana and heard some nice Aindra prabhu katha from one of his mridanga players, Gopal prabhu, who know is serving as the director of the 24 hour kirtan department.

This starts Aindra prabhus room.  The brahmacari pictured is the pujari. This is also Aindra prabhu's samadhi.
This it the place some of his ashes are placed under....his desire was that his body be burned on the bank of the Yamauna River...some of the ashes were but into an urn and placed in the samadhi
Before the fire incident that took Aindra prabhu's life this tree was planted by Aindra prabhu in his room. It is the original tree from the court yard of the Krishna Balaram temple that Srila Prabhupada used to sit under during his last days in 1977. It became known as the Prabhupada tree or Srila Prabhupada's tree (can't remember exactly). Over time, because the tree had a small base around it, when the devotees cleaned the floor in the temple room court yard the water would seep down under the tree and this caused root rot, thus the tree died. Aindra prabhu took a piece of this tree and "planted" it in his room, with a small brick base. When the propane tank caught fire, fell over and begin to burn the room the tree got knocked over. Gopal said he tried and tried to put it back how it was but couldn't. Thus he and others decided to build a bigger base like the one currently in the temple room. As this happened a shape began to manifest that looked like a chariot wheel, but made of bricks not wood. A devotee had a dream and was told by Aindra to put his ashes in the base. So Gopal said they did, along with other items like his book, kopin, japa mala.... 

His beloved deities...which he worshiped on a spontaneous platform rather than the regulated platform meant for the neophytes......

every tray is full of Salagram Silas

"Bhakta Stove"...everything is the spiritual world is personal and conscious....this was his consciousness at all times....very deep, very devotional, very serious.....i didn't know him personally but this is what i have gathered from those that knew him.... 
the first video is talking in the back round about Mayapur Kirtanmela...the festival was disorganized....nothing to do with the post just wanted to give a disclaimer

The video shows his room. if you notice the ceiling is a sky. Gopal told me that prabhus room was often a mess of things going on, half finished projects and other things. He would ask Aindra, "let me tidy up a bit...." "NO!!! don't go around moving around things so i have to take hours to find something! I know where everything is in here, i don't need you coming and messing it all up!" He was often criticized for his old and a bit ragged cloth...he would say about his room mess and his cloth, "This is so the materialists stay away! I don't have time for them to bother me with their ideas...."He was absorbed in bhajana, worship of Krishna, God.
Gopal was taking about how Aindra was living like a Goswami in Vrindavana. Gopal asked Aindra prabhu, "so whats up with your room prabhu? It is wild in here...."He turns to Gopal, "What you don't get it kid? Look around and try to figure it out." Gopal looked around and said, "I'm not getting it..." Aindra prabhu walked up to him and slapped him aside the head, "this is the court yard of Krishna Balarama temple!" Krishna Balarama is on the altar, Gaura-Nitai and Radha-Syama....the Prabhupada tree...its all there.....then he said, "if i could live under the tree in vrndavan i would but because of health and other reasons I can't...so this is what i can do..."
It was quite amazing to be there and feel the energy, the bhakti, that permeated his bhajan kutir. He would chant 100,000 names of Krishna everyday, most of the recordings he released were recorded in that room... in the later years melodies would come from his japa, he would call them japa melodies. as fast as they came they would go, so he would keep his harmonium and recorder handy and record them as they came. Often you could hear him chanting, or crying out the holy names at all times of the night. What a devotee! I feel so fortunate to have been there and received a drop of mercy. I am grateful to Gopal for taking the time to talk to me about some of these amazing pastimes of Aindra prabhu.