Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mayapur Academy Graduation

Hare Krsna everyone!

We arrived in Vrindavan this past Sunday.  Maha Bhagavata & Laxmi Priya have been taking care of us nicely.  We're staying in a guest house just behind the MVT.  It's quite chilly here and we're having to adjust to the busier Vrindavan life from a more sheltered Mayapur one.  The sweetness of Vraj is all permeating though and we're grateful to be here.
Mayapur is forever etched into our hearts as a home away from home and we look forward to the time when we can return--hopefully with some of you!  Anyone up for attending the TOVP opening or the next ILS meeting?  More on that later...

Bala Nitai's graduation was awesome.  There were a lot of senior devotees present offering their blessings, stories & encouragement.  This year's class was hailed as the most mature with the highest passing scores since the academy has opened.

HG Malati Prabhu
HH Chandramali Swami, HH Gopal Krishna Goswami & HH Bhanu Swami 
Bala Nitai receiving his diploma of arcana from HG Krishna Ksetra prabhu, the previous head of the Deity Ministry.  
The amazing twin pujaris: HG Pankajangari prabhu & HG Jananivasa prabhu
The graduating class of 2014--Haribol!!


Unknown said...

Congratulations Prabhu....amazing merci. Pleas pray for our spiritual well being and stability in Krishna Consciousness.

Unknown said...

Hari Bol!