Monday, February 17, 2014

Scenes from the Mayapur Academy


Here are some pictures from various classes from the Mayapur Academy course.  Graduation is this Thursday!
Rangoli--part of Ladies Samskaras course

made using flower petals and white flour
made from colored powder and white flour--some of the gurukula girls did this one, pretty huh?
it all starts somewhere...
finished piece
made from seeds, colored rice, flower petals and pieces and colored powder
 Raj Bhoga cooking assessment 
(they actually got to cook for Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva & Sri Nrsimhadev!)

check out those massive mounds of rice!
 Making Yajna Kunds--Mens Samskaras course

centering the first layer
working your way up...
this one was huge, can ya tell?
this little platform is for the priest to sit.
building a wall around the kunda
layer it with a mixture of cow dung and clay
let it dry!
little ones can be made too
or medium sized...
decorating and practicing performing yajnas (this isn't bala nitai in the pic)

preparing for their assessment...

Dressmaking course
(Learning how to stretch fabric for dress making and transferring designs onto the cloth)
draw design onto thick tracing paper
unassembled cloth frame
sewing the fabric on to be stretched
To transfer the design, you poke little holes all along your design line, place it on the stretched fabric and paint a smelly mixture of turpentine and chalk (i think rubbing alcohol would work just as well).  The liquid evaporates, leaving a fine tiny design (the color of the chalk) for you to sew/embroider over.

Festivals course

learning how to apply and refine chandan on deities

Temple Worship

assembling abhishek materials
sweet little homemade lamp holders for abhishek
deco for where the deities will receive abhishek
abhishek tables, ready for assessments to begin
um, I'm not positive what this tray is for specifically...i'll have to ask bala nitai!  but it looks nice, right?


Unknown said...

so impressive!!. Congratulations to you both on such a fine achievement. Hari Bol!!!!

Unknown said...

Hare Krishna.
pamho. AGTSP.
Congratulations for being blessed with so much merci. We look forward to having you here and hope to learn a lot from you and mataji. Please pray so that we serve in a manner pleasing to the Lord and His Dear Devotees. We beg to remain servants of the divine mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His sincere and humble followers.
Your aspiring servants,
Rohinikishor das, Shyamaraas devi dasi, Hari Bhakti devi dasi and Radhika Priya

Krishna ~ said...

Hare Krishna!

Dandavats! AGTSP!

Congratulations Prabhus. Looking forward to see you all.

Krishna Keshav das, Rukmini Priti devi dasi, Joshita and Aniruddha.