Monday, February 17, 2014

an unexpected invitation


We received an unexpected invite to a small anaprasana (first grains) ceremony today of a sweet little vaisnavi.  Our friend was the priest and our dear gurudeva, His Holiness Radhanatha Swami was the guest of honor.  It took place in the morning @ the Bhajan Kutir (the location of the first residence of ISKCON Mayapur from the 70s).  There are sweet Gaura Nitai deities presiding and 24 hour kirtan that hasn't been interrupted for decades.

Gaura-Nitai ki!  jaya!

yajna kunda

nitai and his friend, vraj mohan

getting her first spoonful of grains--maha sweet rice...yum!  when nitai did this ceremony, he ate the whole bowl!


Unknown said...

Jai....this is so wonderful! Thanks for sharing. We are very happy to take darshan of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj and the Vaisnavas. The Gaura Nitai Deities are so beautiful. You are so fortunate....please pray for our spiritual well being also in the Audarya dham (Sri Navadwip, Mayapur dham).
Your servants,
Rohinikishor das, Shyamaraas devi dasi, Hari Bhakti devi dasi and Radhika Priya

Jenn said...

what a treat! and what a treat for us to see the pictures and share the experience this way. Thank you so much for sharing <3