Friday, February 7, 2014

Happy Spring and Advaita Acarya ki jaya!


All of India celebrated the coming of spring this past Tuesday--Vasanta Panchami to be precise.  All the Deites in temples across the country are dressed in yellow and many devotees also dress in yellow :)  Super beautiful festival!  And ya know something interesting, the weather warmed up about 5-10 degrees right on that day!

Sri Sri Radha-Madhava ki jaya!!

These trees were on each side of Radha-Madhava's altar.

And then, yesterday (Thursday), we celebrated the appearance day of Advaita Acarya.  Bala Nitai got some special mercy.  The students from the Mayapura Academy got to help with the abhishek (bathing) ceremony!

Here's Bala Nitai, with the camara (fluffy fan)...he also got to pour a coconut over Advaita Acarya later in the ceremony.
Check out how happy Advaita Acarya is in the back ground!

The lotus feet of Advaita Acarya
One more sweet note--Bala Nitai completed his last assessment with flying colors!  His last official class is this Saturday and next week, he has a few fun seva opportunities, then graduation on the 20th!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hare Krishna.
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.
The photos are so beautiful and indeed it's a blessed event. We wish we were present for this most glorious event. Kindly keep us in your prayers. And congratulations to Bal Nitai Prabhu for course completion. We look forward to meeting you soon.Love and regards to everyone.
Your servants,
Shyamaraas devi dasi, Rohinikishor das, Hari Bhakti devi dasi and Radhika Priya