Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Nityananda Tryodasi!

Sri Nityananda Ram ki jaya!!

nitai-charan bina ar nahi asroy--other than the Lotus Feet of Lord Nityananda, there is no other shelter!

The Mayapur Academy boys put on a yajna for Lord Nityananda.
Bala Nitai was chosen as the head priest!
just came out for abhishek (a special bath)
oh!  This was so so sweet--HH Jayapataka Swami was lifted up on stage (wheelchair and all) to participate in the abhishek.  In order for him to offer, the devotee in white would give him the conch with the substance inside.  Then maharaja would touch the shell and the devotee would offer it to Sri Nityananda on JPS behalf.

Then, it was somehow decided for him to stand and offer personally!  This was huge because he isn't able to stand anymore.  Devotees helped him and he offered on conch full of milk.  It was absolutely beautiful.  I got a nice video of it, but it's not loading onto the blog right now for some reason...I'll try to get it on there another time because I'd love to share it with all of you!

These were the birthday cakes.  They didn't distribute them till around 8:30 p.m. that night, near the end of an ecstatic kirtan.  Thankfully, we walked in right when they were serving!


Unknown said...

Beautiful. We had a wonderful Sri Nityananda Tryodasi here too.
Hari Bol Prabhujis and Mataji!

Unknown said...

Hare Krishna.
Dandavat, Pranaam. Jai Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.
These pictures are feast for the eyes! Very beautiful, inspirational and enlightening indeed. Please also keep our family in your prayers. Happy dham darshan.
Your servants,
Rohinikishor das, Shyamaraas dasi, Hari Bhaklti dasi and Radhika Priya