Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Monkey Play Time!

So after lunch today, Nitai went off to the playground with some friends and Bala Nitai (Brad) and I went to run some errands.
When we returned to the playground about 40 min. later, all the kids and adults were packed around one little stone bench, intently and excitedly watching something...
We walked up and Nitai and several of the kids ran up to us screaming.  After a minute of confusion, we realized that 3 big Mayapur monkeys had indeed taken over the playground, chasing everyone else off.
Turns out, Nitai was on the slide when one of the monkeys jumped down from the tree above, landed right next to Nitai, barred his teeth and growled!  Nitai screamed and slid down the slide SO FAST!
Some of the other monkeys were running up to people and playfully launching themselves off of their backs until everyone got off the playground.  Then they proceeded to jump all over the equipment, slide down the slides, summersault on the lawn and jump from tree top to tree top.  They totally took over the playground!

Thankfully, the monkeys here aren't aggressive and are more playful than anything.  The monkeys in Vrindavan however...those are a different story!

And of course, I didn't have my camera with me, the pictures would have been so cute!  Here's some though--we woke up to 2 monkeys in the tree right outside our balcony the first morning in our new room.
they have really long tails
there's 2 monkeys in this picture...can you find them?
I'll get some better pictures another time.  Love to you all!

1 comment:

MR711 said...

Great pictures and stories... so nice to see you got a better space live and there are other kids for Nitai to play with. Looks beautiful and so simple and relaxing. I hope you are all well. Lots of love and hugs! Malini