Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Govardhana Puja

I know!  I should have posted this last week!  Sorry!  Better late than never though, right?
Govardhana Puja here was a lot of fun.  There was a special event just for kids 12 and under.  They were invited to make sweets and bring them to decorate their own hill.  A space was roped off for them in the temple room, in the back of Pancha Tattva's altar space.
Nitai and his friends (Vana and Deva) made some sweet balls over here in the community kitchen where we are staying.  All the children got to decorate their hill, then a beautiful Govardana Sila was placed on top, then the kids circumabulated it while chanting.  Then the hill FULL of sweets was distributed to KIDS ONLY, though I saw many adults try to get their own plate...Nitai shared some with us and my was the halava tasty!

All this was taking place while Govardhana (from Radha Madhava's altar) was having abhishek.  In the morning, there was a nice class on Govardhana Lila and an amazing darshan afterwards.
After abhishek, the annakut (sp?) offering was made, directly on the altar in view of everyone.  Then there was an delicious feast served out to everyone.  Check out the pics...

I wish you could see the hand-painted backdrops in this picture.  Devotees worked on them upstairs here where we are staying and they are really beautiful!  I have an in-progress picture of the paintings, I'll include that @ the end.

Happy GiriGovardhana

There was lights flashing behind the "clouds"...

Kids beginning the hill deco.

Bathing of Sri Govardhana

Kids hill complete with Sila on top.

Kids honoring their well-earned maha sweets.

Nitai, Vana & Deva 
The Annakut offering--yes, that is a mountain of chapatis!!  They tasted so fresh too!!  The whole feast was maha!

Here's the backdrops being worked on...


Unknown said...

I love all of it!

Unknown said...

Hare Krishna.
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. You are so fortunate to be in Sri Mayapur Dhaam amongst loving devotees. Please pray for our spiritual well being as well. The photos are beautiful and thanks for sharing with us.
Your servants,
Rohinikishor das, Shyamaraas devi dasi, Hari Bhakti devi dasi and Radhika Priya

Unknown said...

I love that you are posting so many gorgeous pictures. Thanks for sharing darshan with us over in the states. We miss you dearly but I know I'm so happy for the opportunity you took. Be well devi! We love and miss you. Radhe! Radhe!