Sunday, November 3, 2013

oh my goodness...Kali Puja tonight--in FULL swing by the sound of it...we passed by an effigy of the goddess in the village today, with "hey macarena! (sp?)" blasting out of the speakers next to her...
it's "quiet" in the ISKCON campus, but the surrounding villagers are rock'in out...fireworks, LOUD techno/bollywood music and all!

today we boarded some flat bed rickshaws and went with a group of friends to some local holy places:

here's the kids with the guys on one rickshaw (ladies had one to ourselves :)

Bhaktivinode's pushpa (flower) samhadi

Birth place of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (this need tree isn't the one which He was born under--it disappeared after He left...this one was planted by Bhaktivinode Thakur to mark the holy spot)

This is the postpartum house in which Saci mata lived with baby Nimai for 9 days after His birth. 
Lord Siva and Parvati are said to be the gatekeepers of Navadwip dham.

Gauranga Kunda (Radha Kunda and Shyam Kunda combinded) where Mother Saci would was clothes.

Srivas Angan, the home of Sri Vas Thakur, intimate associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

short walk from Sri Vas Angan to...

Advaita Bhavan and Gadhara Bhavan (homes of Advaitacarya and Sri Gadhara)

Jagannatha temple in Rajpur

Beautiful, merciful Jagannatha, Subhadra & Baladeva!

Govardhana and Saligram Silas

sweet Damodara murti

amazingly delicious Jagannathat Maha Prasada!!
(we were also given some of Their kitchari!)

This is new from last time we were here--a memorial for Jayanada prabhu.

Nitai relishing the sweet...

This temple is also new since we were here's very beautiful.

The Deites are Caitanya Mahaprabhu appearing before Mother Parvati after her long years of meditation to fulfill her desire to have a part in His pastimes.

Some of the intricate stone artwork on Their temple.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so great to see all of you. Thanks for the photos… totally awesome.. Hari Bol!!!