Friday, November 22, 2013

A dip in Mother Ganges

hi everyone!

wow, i'm so behind on this blog...this little adventure happened last month with our dear friends from London--they were going to the home of Nandacarya (sp?) and for a swim in the Ganga River.  Nandacarya's home is where Lord Nityananda & Lord Caitanya met for the first time.  It's located just right down the road from the ISKCON campus.
The Ganges (Ganga) is a holy river that flows in Mayapur....Nitai couldn't wait to jump in...this spot is more used by the locals as a bathing/laundry location, not really a nice place to swim.  There are other areas better for that, but this is where we got to go so here are some pics...

the kids first adjusting to the water

one, two, three and...



i had to negotiate with him to get him out :)


Unknown said...

Very fortunate...Jai !

Unknown said...

One Two Three and....! Jai! You are all so blessed.