Friday, October 25, 2013

journey to eco village continued...

here are a couple of shots while driving through the streets of Mumbai for those of you who are curious...

these vehicles are called auto rickshaws...we were in an air-conditioned SUV thing (clean burning though--ran on natural gas)

a lot of women ride side-saddle on the backs of these motorcycles (zooming though traffic hell)...helmets are rare--even when people do wear them, they aren't fastened...the younger generation of women are usually seen in pants (jeans) and ride straddle seat.

despite the poverty of these homes, they all have satellite dishes...note the skyscrapers right behind...poverty and wealth living side-by-side


MR711 said...

Good to get a quick update from you! Thinking about and missing your company. Lots of love from all of us! Malini

Anonymous said...

looks amazing and wonderful in every way! please share Sri Sri Radha Madhava darsana with us!
ys, Lajjarani dd