Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sri Mayapura Dham ki jaya!

I was reading my journal from our last trip to India and I came across this passage, "I realized at this time that you really got to want to go to the Dham (holy place of pilgrimage).  You can't just whimsically say, sure--why not.  It takes a lot of austerity".

This rings true to this experience as well.  There are 2 roads leading into Mayapur, both long and arduous...however, last time, riding on big buses, we took one way--this time, riding in a vehicle from the temple taxi service, we took quite the other way..."bumpy" doesn't even begin to describe it!  One devotee from London that traveled that same direction said, "Oh!  It shook my bones to the core!"

It was so bad that Nitai threw up all his applesauce he'd consumed during the first part of the journey...we creeped/zoomed along village roads that had more potholes (more like craters) than road...

Anyways, we arrived in Mayapur (yay!) in the evening and had difficulty getting our room (took about 1 1/2 hrs. to figure things out)...but at last, we climbed up to the 3rd floor with all our luggage and found our room to be quite tiny--not ideal for a family living there for an extended period of time...

That night, Brad and I were awakened by a "WHAP!....THUMP."  What was that??????  Go back to sleep...then Brad says, "Something just crawled over me!!"  What was that?????  Then again, "WHAP!...THUMP."  "Something landed on me (Gaurangi Rasa/Dena)!"
Lights on and I found a little bat next to me, dead from being hit by the high speed ceiling fan...then I noticed one more live little one crawling on the screen took a few minutes, but we managed to shoo it out the front door...then we found another dead one (the first whap/thump) on the floor...we got rid of both of the little bodies, then simply fell back asleep, too tired to think about it anymore.
First night in Mayapura :)

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