Thursday, October 24, 2013

let's back up a bit...

yay!  we made it to Mayapur!!  but i'll get there...there's some more we'd like to share with you before we arrived...

So we had a couple days left in Mumbai and really weren't sure how we were going to spend it-- it isn't the kind of city you'd like to take a relaxing stroll in, or take your kid to the nearby park...what to do?

During morning darshan, our spiritual teacher (guru) invited several of us visiting devotees into speak with him.  He wanted to make sure we were being well cared for and asked if there was anything we'd like to do.  We mentioned to him that we'd like to visit the Eco Village.
He then arranged a car for our family and one for the other family present to visit the farm (eco village) as well as tour some other amazing places on the way!

First stop...Juhu Beach Temple, the home of Sri Sri Radha Rasbihari!
courtyard @ Juhu Beach ISKCON temple
(reminds me of Krsna-Balaram mandir in Vrindavan)

Prabhupada (no pics of the Deities allowed, so we snapped a few of the temple room)

looking down on the temple room from Prabhupada's rooms
Prabupada's study (GBC meetings were going on,  so we couldn't explore inside...)
sorry, but it's late (over here) and uploading pics on this blog takes a long time (internet is s-l-o-w over here) i'll continue with our journey to the Eco Village to you all!

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