Wednesday, January 8, 2014

it's been awhile

Hare Krsna everyone!

sorry we've been MIA for a bit 'o time...busy schedules combined with poor (horrible) internet connection...anyways, we have a lot to share with you all, though i'm not sure where to begin...well, let's start with the classes we've been taking.

Bala Nitai (Brad) and I both took a Deity dressmaking class (which was more on the dress designing side, as well as learning some embroidery), and are currently taking a flower arranging/garland making class.

He recently completed his Samskaras class and is now taking Festivals.  I know he's enjoying both and learning a lot of cool things.

Starting this Saturday, we get to help make flower outfits for Radha-Madhava for pushpa abhishek taking place next week!

For our final in dressmaking, we had to fully design a full outfit--complete with finite detail down to every sequin or bead or whatever...anyways, we really want to bring home a new outfit for Nitai-Sacinandana (our temple Deities) for Gaura Purnima, but how to get one done in time?
Thankfully, we were able to design one for our final and are now in the beginning stages of having the Deity dressmakers here in Mayapur make the outfit!  We've been told it is quite the involving project, like you have to be there everyday to make sure they're doing what you, we'll see how it goes!  I need to get the pattern to them a.s.a.p...

anyways, here are some pics:

nitai doing some embroidery while we were working on our projects...we learned how to assemble cloth on the frame pictured, as well as transferring a design from paper to cloth for embroidery...we're thinking of bringing a frame home so we can all create beautiful outfits for Sri Sri Nitai-Sacinandnana...

Bala Nitai working away on his embroidery--we all had the same pattern to do...we were working on an outfit for some of the Mayapur Academy Radha-Krsna figures

oh!  and we also were taught some sweet jewelry making techniques like this one pictures here...

i really didn't think i'd get all my embroidery done but...

here it is!  jaya!

bala nitai and i made this today in garland class--it's a head piece for Radharani and the sakis...

here's a belt for Krsna we made together...there's a secret in holding the small garlands in place--you string a length of rose stem right in to keep them nicely separated...

bala nitai is preparing for his samskara assesment--this is on the roof of the academy


Unknown said...

Hare Krishna.
pamho. AGTSP.
Thanks for the photos. Its wonderful to see you develop those skills for services to Sri Sri Radha Krishna. We like the flower garlands and the necklace that you had made. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Your servants,
Shyamaraas devi dasi, Hari Bhakti devi dasi, Rohinikishor das and Radhika Priya

Vraj said...


I think everyone should take this course. I am so happy that all of you are getting such transcendental exposure to devotional service.

your servant,
vrajkishor das.

Unknown said...

Thank you Prabhus for sharing. We just had a nice visit with Jayānanda Prabhu who came here and gave a deity worship q&a session. It is wonderful that you are giving you time for Krishna as a long term investment.